Have you ever considered hosting a cat grooming session? Or failed at achieving perfection?
If you have been there, don’t worry, most cat owners have admitted to failing at it. Cats are often known for their independent nature; hence, whether helping themselves to tasty treats on the table or engaging themselves in long grooming sessions, they mostly finish it par excellence.
Besides, grooming is one of the top jobs in cat care that requires your patience and inclination to help your cat maintain good health and hygiene. So, a few extra hands do help a lot with the routine. If you don’t pay attention to grooming, especially with a cat that doesn’t groom itself often enough, it can get into many health troubles like allergies, fur loss, skin problems, parasitic attacks, dental issues, and more.
This is why as a cat owner, you must include brief grooming sessions into your furball’s daily routine. Also, you must consider being prepared with pet insurance for cats to handle unanticipated health emergencies like the ones mentioned above and many more. Cat insurance helps provide your munchkin with timely medical care without compromising on quality.
Contemplate searching popular pet policies online to sign up for a plan that best suits your furball’s health needs and your budget or to review your policy if you have already bought one. Meanwhile, read this article to learn the basic activities of cat grooming.
1.Nail care
Trim the nails gently and carefully. Any ingrowths must be reported to the vet immediately. Also, the right way to trim your cat’s nail is to hold your cat’s paw, slightly press it with your thumb and index finger and cut only the transparent tip (avoid the pink part). Also, check for cuts, bruises on paw pads, and soreness between toes.
2.Eye care
Roll down the lower eyelids of both eyes and observe the color. A light pink indicates the lids are healthy. Look for symptoms like gooey discharge, redness, inflammation, or watery eyes that can indicate potential eye problems.
3.Oral/dental care
Poor oral and dental health can cause issues like stomatitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis. So, catch up with the dental cleaning routine every alternate day, or try having at least bi-weekly clean up sessions. Watch for signs like redness, inflammation, or pus in the gum lines, loose or broken teeth, and ulcers. In a case like this, take your cat to the vet asap.
Show your cat a brush and allow it to sniff, touch, and play with it. Use an appropriate comb depending on your cat’s hair length. Slightly brush your car around the cheeks and head, to begin with. Once your cat gets comfy, brush the body in the hair growth direction.
Remove knots with the help of a damp cloth or your fingers, don’t use scissors. End the brushing session with a tasty treat so your furball will look forward to more of these in the coming days.
Is your cat smelly, sticky, or appears dirty? In a case like this, your cat needs a bath. Your furball should be calm and composed before proceeding with the chore. You can take the help of some delectable treats, quick cuddles, and verbal praise to ensure cooperation.
First, trim your cat’s nails and then comb your cat’s coat to get rid of mats and loose hair. Spray your cat softly with a faucet, use warm water, and don’t spray it in the mouth, eyes, or ears. Apply shampoo and work your hand through the fur from head to tail, gently rinse, and wrap your feline pet in a dry towel. Don’t forget to hand over a treat throughout and at the end of it.
Apart from these, you must also take care of your cat’s ears; if unsure about the procedure to clean them, you can consider taking your cat to a professional cat groomer or your vet for assistance. Also, it is worth noting that, many times, even with the best care and concerns, health issues are still inevitable.
So, consider having a medical financial backup in terms of pet insurance for cats. Sailing through distressing health situations can be easier with the support of cat insurance, which is why you must contemplate signing up for a policy that ideally suits your fur baby.